lake superior

You Know You're a Michigan Outdoorsman When...

If  any of these apply to you, you might be from Michigan!

There are several outdoor stereotypes that apply to outdoorsmen and women as a whole. However, Wolverines are a special breed. Here are a few things that make us different.

1. In the same hunt, you go from wearing the warmest clothes you have to wishing you had enough face paint for your chest.

This applies for a lot of states, but 75 degrees in November is getting old. So is -10 in April.

2. You know exactly where you will be every Thursday night at 8:00 p.m.

The answer is in front of your TV watching one of the longest-running outdoors TV shows, Michigan Out Of Doors. In some places, you do have to wait until 8:30 or 9.

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3. You point to your hand when someone asks where you hunt or fish.

And that's ALL the information you will get!

4. You have a friend that has hit more deer with their car than you shot hunting this year.

Bonus points that friend probably doesn't hunt. They also live in a city where you cannot hunt. Said person will also probably say that, "Technically, one of those deer hit me."

5. Public land is everywhere.

In Michigan, we are privileged to over 4.5 million acres. We also have a website so you can find land wherever you are. Click this link.

6. You hunt and fish at the same time.

You can be pretty successful at it, too. I know several people who fish the salmon run with a 12 gauge in the boat for ducks, or a crossbow for a deer.

7. You don't own ANY hunting or fishing gear with the lions logo on it.

Image via Kmart

Image via Kmart

At this point, it has to be bad luck, yet they still sell it. We're all still the most loyal fans.

8. There's fishing, and then there is big lake fishing.

Image via Pinterest

Image via Pinterest

We have some great fishing and The Great Lakes. Also when you say you are going Big Lake Fishing everyone knows which one it is.

9. Next year, your wife, girlfriend, daughter, or whoever might be wearing pink instead of orange.

You also either love this idea or hate it.

10. At camp there are only two card games: Euchre and Cribbage.

Someone also always cheats at it, too.

11. We have the best anglers in the world.

Image via Pinterest

Image via Pinterest

Kevin VanDam is from Kalamazoo, Michigan. He is also probably the only guy you take bass fishing advice from. For the walleye guys, there's Mark Martin.

12. You have to constantly remind people that we have Elk.

You can also hunt them.