We have all heard that it is a dog-eat-dog world out there. Well, apparently the birds are joining in on that action. Watch this insane video that shows a bald eagle attacking another unsuspecting bird. Not only do you get to see its immense hunting abilities, but this video clearly shows how much bigger a bald eagle is than a duck.
Wild Video Clearly Shows Bald Eagle Is Much Bigger Than Duck

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Whiskey Riff shares some interesting facts about the bald eagle that make me thankful I am not this poor duck. They share that not only do bald eagles have the sharpest talons of all predatory birds, but they can also spot their prey up to two miles away! With incredible hunting abilities like that, this poor duck didn't stand a chance.
In the video, viewers can see the duck peacefully resting on the water when the eagle swoops in. The eagle clutches the unsuspecting bird in its talons and hoists it up into the air. In the moment when the animal is pulled out of the water, that is when you can truly see the size comparison.
As the duck hangs from the eagle's talons you can see how much bigger the bald eagle is than the duck. Easily around 3x its size. This poor duck was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Especially given the fact that eagles don't always necessarily like to work for their food. After all, it is much easier to scavenge off the hard work of others rather than go out and expend the energy hunting yourself.
The Internet Reacts
The internet reacts to this insane video. Although surprisingly, most people do not bring up the massive size difference. I suppose I am alone in my astonishment at how much bigger the bald eagle is than the duck. Similarly, I am the only person who seems to feel any remorse at all for the little bird. However, that could be because I love ducks so much.
Here are some of the top comments under the wild video.
"Phenomenal capture ?"
"No again!! Poor ducky!!" (Ahh another animal-loving soul out there haha)