Wild Hog Poison Moving to Field Test Stage in Alabama

Looks like hog poison is about to become a thing. 

Wild hogs are a scourge to our Great Outdoors. They eat everything in their path, destroy forests and fields, and just generally create havoc wherever they spread.

If you have spent any time in the woods down south or in Texas, you understand the problem first hand. Well, it looks like Alabama is about to deploy hog poison as a way to combat this menace. It's advancing to the field test stage, so we're going to find out real quick if it works.

So far in the process, the biggest challenge was finding a way to get the pigs to actually eat the poison. Sodium nitrate is the key ingredient that makes it all work. This chemical basically mixes with the pig's blood and won't allow it to absorb oxygen. Therefore, the pig will die within about 90 minutes of eating it.

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There is one problem though: According to sources, it tastes terrible. There's also a risk of other wild animals, such as bears, eating it and facing the same fate.

To combat both problems, Alabama is creating special hog feeders that work by sound recognition, which opens when it hears hogs, but stays closed when it doesn't. It's still a work in progress but expected to be completed within a few years.

If all things go well with this new hog poison, they hope for full approval by 2020. If that's the case, wild hogs all over the US are about to be put on notice.