TV Host Steven Rinella Joins the Fight to Preserve Public Lands

TV Host Steven Rinella joins the fight to preserve federal lands by leading opposition to H.R. Bill 621.

On January 30th, 2017, nearly a week after the Outdoor Industry Association penned a letter signed by over 100 CEOs of outdoor-related businesses urging the President and Congress to keep public lands public, Steven Rinella, host of the popular television show MeatEater encouraged his fans and viewers to voice their opposition of H.R. 621. The bill, which was introduced into the House of Representatives on Tuesday, January 24th, 2017 reads,

"To direct the Secretary of the Interior to sell certain Federal lands in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming, previously identified as suitable for disposal, and for other purposes."

Over three million acres of public land are at stake. Polling done after the 2016 election showed that 78 percent of Americans oppose efforts to privatize or sell public lands, including 64 percent of people who voted for Trump.

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Rinella's plea to oppose the bill explains that the issue is near to his heart, and that although the purpose of the show is to inform, and not make a hard sell on anything, he feels compelled to come forward and encourage others to resist the passage of the bill.

"This is no joke, it's real. We will not sit back and let them piss on our hunting and fishing heritage," says Rinella.

Rinella continues by encouraging participation in the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers. Rinella also encourages the public to take action by contacting your House Representative and Senate Representative as well as donating to the  Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership and joining Backcountry Hunters and Anglers.