Every state has its weird laws. For example, in Delaware it is considered a misdemeanor to sell your pet's fur. Or in New Mexico you can be charged with a misdemeanor if your trip a horse. However, sometimes there are whacky laws shared on the internet that turn out to be just plain false. One such example is the bizarre Alaskan law about moose and airplanes. As it turns out, it doesn't exist.
Bizarre Alaskan Law About Moose And Airplanes Doesn't Exist

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Grunge is on a mission to help debunk common Alaskan law myths when it comes to moose. They share a myriad of moose-related laws that have no evidence to their validity. Such as not feeding a moose alcohol or not allowing moose to mate on the street in Fairbanks. Honestly, good luck trying to do either of those activities.
However one law that they adamantly argue is not true is the bizarre Alaskan law that states there is no pushing moose out of airplanes. Again, I have so many questions. Let's ignore the basics of why you and a moose are on a plane together and just focus on the fact that there is no way you are pushing that moose out, even if you wanted to. And why would you want to?
So if it is not true, how did this bizarre myth get started. Well, turns out that it may have some truth in its roots.
What Is The Truth About The Alaskan Law With Moose And Airplanes?
Grunge complains that while this bizarre law has been mentioned in various places across the internet, all of them lack proof of its validity. The Alaskan State Legislature shares all laws that they have on the books in regards to moose, none of which pertain to pushing them (or not pushing them) out of an airplane. So how on earth did this rumor get started. Well, it is most-likely connected to the Alaskan event the Talkeetna Moose Dropping Festival.
No, the festival does not involve dropping moose from airplanes. Instead, it involves dropping moose droppings (i.e. poop) from airplanes...interesting I know. Supposedly, the festival was meant to raise funds for the Talkeetna Historical Society. Rumor has it that one year someone suggested pushing an actual moose out of the plane, however the reliability of that statement is low. Although, that is all it would take for the rumor about this bizarre Alaskan law about moose and airplanes to exist.
So there you have it, there is no bizarre Alaskan law about not pushing a moose out of an airplane. Although I still recommend you do not partake in that endeavor.