Facebook/Jaime Templin

Stolen Dog Reunites With Family After Two Years, All Thanks to Her Microchip

Microchips are a no-brainer. This story has a wonderful ending but it's all thanks to the dog's microchip. Before I start to preach about microchips I must say this story is proof if you microchip your dog and he gets lost your chances of finding him are pretty good.

Even worse than being lost, it's reported that this dog was stolen! Whether your dog is lost or stolen, it doesn't matter since it's the microchip that will ultimately make sure he ends up back with you. Ok, enough about that.

Someone found this dog wandering the streets of Arlington, Texas and brought her to a local shelter! The shelter found the owner, Jaime Templin and The City of Arlington Animal Services posted the below statement on Facebook. 

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First though, what if your stolen dog was found wandering the streets two years after you lost him? Can you imagine how you would feel?

"Shelter staff contacted Ms. Templin immediately after locating the microchip and Ms. Templin became extremely emotional about her Suzy being found. She had no idea what condition Suzy was currently in, but she knew for a fact "She wanted this family member back in her life no matter what"! Ms. Templin believes Suzy was stolen from her yard during the summer of 2017 and one of her neighbors confirmed it."

This Texas dog, Suzy, was stolen from her backyard two years ago. What a reunion this must have been!

NBCDFW reported that Templin rushed to the shelter and it was nothing but happy tears.

"Jaime Templin said her dog Suzy, a Maltese Shih Tzu mix, was taken from the family's yard in the summer of 2017 and she's been missing her pup ever since."

This Texas family is likely over the moon that this animal shelter was where they brought their stolen dog, Suzy. We love when families reunite with their lost pets!

What do you think about this happy ending? Please leave a comment below. 

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