This man was just trying to do some after-holiday shopping when he ran into an unexpected shopper. Imagine loading presents into your car and finding a dangerous animal in there. Well that is exactly what happened when the man found a highly venomous snake hiding in his car.
Man Finds Venomous Snake Hiding In His Car

Screenshot from Facebook
Perhaps this snake was on the market for a new car? After leaving the store, a man noticed the eastern brown snake tucked under the hood of his car. The eastern brown snake is a highly venomous snake, so the man made the smart choice and called a professional for help. While he waited, he refrained from starting the vehicle out of fear that it could hurt the animal. I can guarantee my first thought after finding a venomous snake in my car would not be to protect it. This man is better than me! A professional snake catcher from Snake Catchers Brisbane & Gold Coast arrived to the scene.
After safely removing the venomous snake from inside the car, it was safely relocated. The snake-catching company shared a post of the snake on their Facebook Page. The post read, " This Eastern Brown Snake was safely relocated by our Snake Catcher Luke, after being spotted in a car in Murarrie!" Then, the post continued to explain how the venomous snake ended up in the car in the first place. "The snake had made its way here by climbing up from the underside of the engine." The snake expert believes that the reptile was just looking for a safe place to curl up and get warm.
Apparently, finding snakes in your cars and around your home is not uncommon in Australia. One man found pythons in his toilet and another woman found a python in her garage. With all of these slithering serpents laying around, I am strongly reconsidering my desire to visit Australia.