Any excuse to get outside is a good one, and if it has to be "National Bat Appreciation Day," so be it. Every one of these is an actual, official national holiday, so get ready to start celebrating.
28. We're sure your boss will appreciate it if you don't celebrate National Fruitcake Toss Day (Jan 3) at the office.
29. It's a good day to hunt (or watch) a bird on January 5, National Bird Day.
30. On January 10, turn off the lights and head outside for Cut Your Energy Costs Day.
31. Kill a rattler on the first day of February, National Serpent Day.
32. February 20th, Love Your Pet Day, is the perfect occasion to treat your four-legged companion to some extra one-on-one time.
33. On the fourth Thursday in February, slow-cook your venison for National Chili Day!
34. Especially if you live in Texas, Take March 1 off to do your civic duty and hunt some hogs. After all, it's National Pig Day.
35. Take a three-day weekend in early March, since the first Friday is the sacrosanct Day of Unplugging.
36. On March 9, be sure to take your Barbie fishing rod out to celebrate Barbie Day.
37. Go build something on March 11, National Worship of Tools Day.
38. Spend some quality time with a daughter or niece on Girl Scout Day, March 12 - which is also National Plant a Flower Day.
39. On March 13, you should obviously find a reason to wear your shooting earmuffs to celebrate Earmuff Day.
40. Finally, if you can't convince your boss that you should be able to take all of these holidays off, head to the nearest park during your lunch break on March 30 for National Take a Walk in the Park Day.
1. Go fishing on April 3, Find a Rainbow Day (who's to say rainbow trout don't count?).
2. Take a walk on National Walking Day, the first Wednesday in April.
3. April 7th is National Beer Day. We'll let you figure out how to celebrate that one.
4. Head to your local cave or bridge on April 17th, Bat Appreciation Day.
5. Earth Day, April 22, is a no-brainer.
6. Hang your treestand on May 16, Love a Tree Day.
7. Spend Maritime Day, May 22, on a boat.
8. Shoot suppressed on Save Your Hearing Day (May 31).
May is also national barbecue month, so get grillin'!
9. On June 2nd (or the nearest business day), leave the office early, reverently celebrating National Leave the Office Early Day.
10. On the first Sunday of June, celebrate one of earth's richest ecosystems on Prairie Day.
11. June 5 is National Moonshine Day.
12. Grab your camera on June 15th, Nature Photography Day.
13. June 18th is sure to be a favorite: National Go Fishing Day!
14. Three guesses how to celebrate National Catfish Day on June 25.
15. Take a walk with a loved one on July 7, Father Daughter Take a Walk Day.
16. July 22nd, National Hammock Day, is sure to be a hit with all nature-lovers.
17. August 10th, National Lazy Day, gives you plenty of options.
18. Same goes for August 15th, Relaxation Day.
19. Fly a kite with your kids on Ride the Wind Day, August 23.
20. The fourth Saturday in September, don't miss National Hunting and Fishing Day.
21. That might even double up with Public Lands Day, the last Saturday in September.
22. Take a ride on October 14, Motorcycle Ride Day.
October is also Caffeine Addiction Recovery Month, and what's a better substitute for coffee than fresh air and sunlight on an autumn morning?

Grand Tetons Peak
23. Unfortunately, the peak of deer season has not been dignified with a national holiday (yet). However, you could hike out to the woods on National Take a Hike Day (the 17th).
24. The week of Thanksgiving is also Better Conservation Week. Celebrate by filling that deer tag.
25. December 13 was confirmed as our National Day of the Horse by the Senate in 2004.
26. Take a night walk (or, better yet, a night coyote hunt) on December 21, Flashlight Day.
27. Turn off your phone on December 29 in honor of No Interruptions Day.
That's a whole year's worth of high-quality holidays right there. Which one's your favorite? Does your birthday fall on any of these obscure, yet awesome, holidays?