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Muskie Bait: Wisconsin Lad Gets 16 Stitches From Muskellunge Bite

A young man from Wisconsin just got a new nickname: muskie bait, and he has the bite wounds to prove it!

AJ Campione was with his family on Fox Lake in Wisconsin when he jumped into some water near their boat that was about 10-feet deep. As the intrepid young man was moments away from testing out his new water skies, he felt a gnash on his ankle that he will never forget!

AJ said, "I knew I was bleeding, so I screamed 'I've been bit' and I swam to the boat." It was then that his parents saw the fresh wounds on his foot and reacted accordingly.

"I pulled him on the boat, and we screamed. We saw his foot and all the blood coming from his foot," AJ's mother Wendy said.

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After getting to the hospital—where AJ received 16 stitches—the family counted some 40 "pin marks" near the bottom of his foot, thought to be given as a gift from one hungry Wisconsin muskellunge.

Laura-Stremick-Thompson, 20-year veteran of the Wisconsin DNR, said that although she has never heard of a muskie attack on Fox Lake, "Their feeding pattern is this ambush-style, and they are very effective predators."

Although this kind of attack is considered extremely rare in fresh water, it's still not unheard of. AJ Campione is undeterred as far as jumping into the water again saying, "It's not going to happen again, so I'm just going to go in and have fun."

He'll also have a lifetime of fun with his new nickname: muskie bait.

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