10 Meanest Cat Breeds Who'd Rather You Didn't Pet Them

As every cat owner knows, nobody actually owns a cat—the cat owns you. Cats aren't as aloof as many have been led to believe and march to the beat of their own drum. Even clingy cats will spend most of the day minding their own business, going about the house taking care of whatever they deem to be important. Cats train us to feed them by caterwauling constantly, and routinely refuse to do anything they don't want to do. And that's just your average cat. The meanest cat breeds take this type of behavior to another level entirely.

While these domestic cat breeds might seem like they like to cuddle, let's just say that these cats might not be fully domesticated yet. These feisty felines avoid cuddling and lap time like the plague, and might seem outright mean in comparison to more affectionate cat breeds.

To be fair, each cat has their own unique personality. Stay on every cat's good side (and avoid getting scratched) by reading up on the top 10 meanest cat breeds. You might even get a snuggle in!

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1. Siamese

Siamese cat lays on the table.

Although Siamese cats are one of the most popular cat breeds, it's general consensus that they are also the meanest—that's why they landed as #1 on this list. Siamese are very territorial and get jealous quite easily. They tend to be a one-person cat and bond with one specific person but not be as nice to people they're not familiar with.

2. Sphynx

Sphynx cat sits idly in the light.

The Sphynx cat is one very demanding feline. These hairless cats like being the center of attention and can be quite needy and will act out aggressively to get what they want, earning them the number 2 spot on the meanest cat breeds list.

3. Bombay

bombay cat meanest cat breeds

Bombay cats are well-known to be attention-seeking. Even though they love being around people, they will also lash out and get mean when they're scared.

4. Bengal

Bengal cat walks through tall grass.

With the Asian leopard cat in their bloodlines, Bengal cats might be more "wild" than others. Despite being a great pet, these cats also have a mean streak—they're quite demanding and might show aggressiveness at times.

5. Scottish Fold

scottish fold meanest cat breed

One of Taylor Swift's favorite cats, the Scottish fold is a pretty famous cat breed. These kitties prefer the company of just their primary caregivers and will not really give anyone else the time of day.

6. Pixie-Bob

Image of a Pixie-bob cat

Although this feline is known for its love for playtime, the Pixie-bob can be wary of strangers. These cats will use a variety of different cat sounds (in addition to meows, of course!) to communicate with you, which might include some mean growls too.

7. Egyptian Mau

Image of a Egyptain mau cat

It's no secret that ancient Egyptians worshipped cats, and this doesn't get more true than with the Egyptian Mau. Bonding fiercely with their humans, this kitty gets shy around strangers. Because of their protective nature, this cat breed will turn mean if you try to take something of theirs away.

8. American Wirehair

American wirehair cat looks over the ledge.

Having an independent streak, American wirehair cats just want to be left alone sometimes and won't be shy about being mean and defending themselves when bothered or provoked, or if they feel uncomfortable around strangers.

9. Korat

korat meanest cat breeds

The Korat is a cat that likes quiet environments, so they might get annoyed by loud noises and rowdy kids. When they're scared or aggravated, these cats will act meanly in self-defense.

10. Singapura

Image of a Singapura cat

While the Singapura cat can be very playful and curious, this last cat breed can also be wary of strangers and will be aggressive and mean if they feel threatened. They're also easily startled, so be sure to socialize them properly at an early age—if not, they might hide often!

Whether you have a cat that is one of these meanest cat breeds or a feline friend who didn't make the cut, all cat owners know that their fluffy friends have the potential to get a little grumpy every now and then, especially if you are not getting what they want fast enough.

Do you live with one of these "mean cat breeds"? Share your feline friend on our Wide Open Pets Facebook page!

This article was originally published on January 18, 2021.

READ MORE: 11 Affectionate Cat Breeds That Just Want to Cuddle