Do You Know All the Texas State Animals?

The Lone Star State is proud to call these animals their own. 

There are many things Texas is proud of: Texas Bluebonnets, BBQ, Longhorns (both the cow and their college football team), cowboy boots and country music, the Lone Star State flag, the list goes on. Texans are a proud bunch but they also make sure to recognize a few key animals in their state as well.

  • State Bird: Northern Mockingbird
  • Small State Mammal: Nine-Banded Armadillo
  • Large State Mammal: Texas Longhorn
  • Flying State Mammal: Mexican Free-Tailed Bat
  • State Dog: Blue Lacy
  • State Reptile: Texas Horned Lizard
  • State Insect: Monarch Butterfly
  • State Fish: Guadalupe bass
  • State Dinosaur: Brachiosaur Sauropod (Brachiosaurus or Long Neck)

Some animals are pretty obvious like the armadillo and the famed Mexican free-tailed bat that people can see on the Congress bridge in Austin. The official state bird is a tough one because who can tell the difference between a swallow and a mockingbird? But maybe you are a birder and you got that one immediately! If you are a Texas angler then you probably got the Guadalupe bass and the state reptile might have been easy because it has Texas in the name.

The large state mammal is also an easy one; everyone knows the Longhorn belongs to Texas. Hook 'em horns.

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Some other fun Texas facts that may be obvious to true Texans include:

  • State Nickname: The Lone Star State and The Friendship State
  • State Flower: Bluebonnets
  • State Plant: Prickly Pear Cactus
  • State Tree: Pecan Tree
  • State Sport: Rodeo
  • State Shrub: Crape Myrtle
  • State Shell: Lightning Whelk
  • State Bread: Pan de Campo
  • State Song: Texas Our Texas
  • State Motto: Friendship
  • State Vegetable: Sweet Onion
  • State Fruit: Red Grapefruit
  • State Grass: Sideoats Grama

Some other Texas state symbols of importance include the Seal of the Republic of Texas from 1836 when they joined the United States from Mexico and the original coat of arms.

Seal of the Republic of Texas

Texas Coat of Arms

Did you know all these state facts? Tell us in the comments below. And share with your friends! We bet they will never guess the state shell...

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