Louisiana state record amberjack

Huge Amberjack Breaks Another Louisiana State Record!

This is the second Louisiana state record in the last week! 

An absolutely enormous Amberjack has been caught out of Venice, Louisiana. Capt. Eric Newman was fishing with friends when Chris Legrand of Slidell, hooked into something he wasn't expecting. At first, they thought it was a big tuna, but when it didn't stop, they knew they had something even bigger. 

"When it settled in, I didn't think it was a tuna anymore. When you get up and down on big yellowfin, you can see their tail beat in the rod tip," Newman explained in an interview. "Your rod tip will always bounce from the yellowfin doing those massive tail beats to keep trying to swim. So when you don't see that tail beat, you're thinking shark or maybe an amberjack — anything but tuna."

After 30 minutes of battling, Legrand was finally able to get the big fish to the surface. It was then that they realized what they had.

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"We went from being bummed out that it wasn't a tuna to excited when we finally saw it on the surface," he said. "When it came up and I saw the head on this thing and it's mouth open, I said, 'Dude, that's the biggest amberjack I've ever seen in my life."

Aftering being certified, this 140 pound pending Louisiana state record amberjack weighed one pound more than the old record set back in 2009.

Awesome fish!
