
Boxer Eats Christmas Ornament, Can't Hide Her Guilt

Christmas decorations are easy targets for hungry dogs. One owner found an ornament destroyed, and her boxer couldn't hide her guilt. 

For starters, Lexi the boxer looks like another sweet pup who deserves all the gold medals. Her white coat with beautiful brown marking is gorgeous, but despite her welcoming appearance, Lexi had an insatiable appetite for Christmas ornaments during the holiday season.

In a video taken by her owner, Lexi somberly avoids a direct line of questioning, moaning and howling in the process. Finally, when the guilt boils over and it is apparent Lexi has been caught, she scurries under a nearby coffee table looking for cover. Good luck not feeling bad for Lexi as she tries hiding her innocence in the video below that was uploaded to Rumble.

Guilty Boxer Eats Christmas Ornament

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Christmas may be over, and while this pooch was likely on the nice list, she's starting the next year on the naughty list for this stunt.

Dogs getting into Christmas decorations, or really any household knick-knack, is a tale as old as time. Though it can be frustrating, dog owners need to remember that any object, especially things that are within striking distance, are seen as fair game for curious or bored dogs. It's important to "dog proof" your home for anything that could find its way into a dog's mouth. That's especially important with anything potentially dangerous or poisonous; the perfect example during end-of-year holidays is peppermint candy canes that contain Xylitol, which can seriously affect a dog's digestive system and be potentially fatal.

As for Lexi the boxer, she was just helping mom get an early start on clean-up. I mean, there's no way you can stay mad at the face, right?

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READ MORE: 15 Christmas Puns Just In Time for the Howl-idays!