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Puppy Goes Skiing in Baby Carrier, Deserves All The Gold Medals

Puppies acting like real babies? Yeah, this is crazy cute. 

Alpine Meadows, California was hit by a freak hail storm. Naturally Kerry Lofy, a semi pro extreme athlete, got his skis out of the closet, as he and his girlfriend Jen went to enjoy the elements.

They weren't the only two enjoying some fresh pow; Their tiny puppy went along for the ride, too.

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Is this California in a nutshell or what? Since it was September, the temperature was still warm enough for shorts even though they are skiing. Lofy's dreads, the cute snowboarder, and the Golden Retriever puppy round out the image of the California dream.

Lofy is known locally for his extreme nature, often seen base jumping, hucking cliffs, or sky diving. His family got a little bit bigger when he and Jen got a new Golden Retriever puppy, which they named Tinder since that's how they met... I mean, probably because Tinder makes fire or something.

They will be great puppy parents, and I know that because I know them! In fact, Tinder's doggy daddy is my family's Golden Retriever. Just keeping it all local.

And for all those who are afraid for the dog in the video, this guy is a pro and would never fall and if he did he would definitely make sure not to fall on Tinder. This pup is a Tahoe dog and will be out skiing with them this winter!

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This article was originally published September 20, 2017.

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