cast net

It's Fair to Say This is One of the Best Cast Net Demos We've Ever Seen

Not many folks fish using a cast net in the United States.

Still, we know fishing skills when we see them. The angler in this video is a master at throwing a cast net.

Before anybody protests, yes, I know anglers in the Gulf Coast region use cast nets to catch mullet.

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I also know that some U.S. anglers use a cast net to catch baitfish. But I think most U.S. anglers would feel like the commenters do, expecting a comedy of snags or even falling out of the boat.

However, I think it's safe to say that most U.S. anglers use rods and reels of one sort or another. And, like I said, we know skill when we see it. We know when a fly rod angler flicks out a great cast.

The demonstrator in this video lets loose with a perfect cast net throw.

Quite honestly, it's beautiful to see the net billow and settle into an almost perfect circle. How many fish he catches remains to be seen.

But maybe the fish are just as mesmerized by the way he throws the net.