Can Cats See Ghosts? Here's What Science Says About Their Connection to the Supernatural

Cats can see pretty well in the dark, and if you own a cat, you've probably witnessed them looking at something that you can't quite see. Great vision is one thing, but do cats have another sense that we can't tap into as humans? In many societies, cats have traditionally been associated with things that are unexplainable; cats were frequently associated with witchcraft, and even today, black cats are associated with Halloween and evil spirits. Ancient Egyptians worshipped cats not just because they're the superior house pet, but because they believed cats could communicate with the spirit world.

So, when your cat stares at something you can't see—especially at night—should you be alarmed? Can cats see ghosts?

can cats see ghosts

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When you walk into the living room and see your feline friend staring blankly at a wall, you might think the answer is yes. As strange as this sight seems, these are very common cat behaviors—but it might bring you to ask the question of if your cat has a "sixth sense." It turns out, there could be a very likely (and more real-world) explanation for this.

Since cats have a heightened vision and hearing when compared to humans, it is more likely that cats are detecting light spectrums or hearing sounds that we can't. In fact, scientists have stated that cats can see in ultraviolet light. So, with cats being able to see in UV light and hear frequencies up to four or five times higher than we can (those cat ears are shaped like little radar dishes for a reason!), it's a definite possibility your feline friend can see or sense things we can't. And, no, we aren't talking about paranormal activity!

If you remember your high school biology or anatomy class, eyes sense light with rods—a type of photoreceptor cell found in the retina. Cats have quite a few more of these than humans do, which allow them to see in low light conditions that would blind their owners. This, of course, isn't exactly reassuring if you're hoping for confirmation that your cat isn't seeing something weird in your house. In all likelihood, it's probably just strange cat behavior, but the next time your cat stares oddly at a corner and meows, take a minute and breathe. Fluffy might have just seen or heard something that's not visible to us, which is hopefully just an odd light or sound. Unfortunately, if ghosts do exist, then cats probably would sense them before us. Sleep well!

Do you think your cat have seen any paranormal activity? Share your story on the Wide Open Pets Facebook page!

READ MORE: Why Does My Cat Stare at Me?