
9 Ways to Unsnag Your Lure... Kind Of

If you have fished long enough, chances are you have tried a few of these. But tried and succeeded, well those are two very different things.

Fishing is amazing... but if there's anything about the sport that you won't like, it is a snagged lure.

For a few reasons. One being that it's a waste of your precious fishing time. Two, you spent hard-earned money on that lure, and sometimes those suckers aren't cheap. And three, you don't want to be the guy who drive your boat into the structure all the fish are around and spook them all out.

So, if you happened to get snag, give these nine unsnagging techniques a try and you are bound to be set free... kind of.

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Ok, so most of the time most of these don't work. But I have tried each and every one at least once. My favorite being the Musketeer.

A good laugh for sure, Mystery Tackle Box breaks down a very frustrating thing with some good humor. If you snag a lure as inexpensive as a crappie jig, try them all in no specific order. But if it is a lure that you spent some good money on, choose with caution. And if all else fails, secure the fishing rod and go swimming.

The bow and arrow has saved me numerous times. And with some good braided line, the tug of war is a go too! But, be prepared because that lure will often come back with some vengeance and can lead to some disturbing injuries like these.

Fish on!

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NEXT: Huge Halibut Hook Turns Good Day of Fishing Sour