Video: Ever See Sportfishing Done With a Crane?

Here's how they go crane fishing on the high seas.

While many of us have a bucket-list adventure on our minds to charter a sportfishing vessel and fish the ocean somewhere, this probably isn't what we had in mind. Doing some fishing from a large watercraft usually involves friends and planning, but this seems to be something else.

Whether they're tuna fishing boats or other commercial vessels, seeing fishermen take hundreds of fish at once can make you cringe. However, these guys are simply doing it one fish at a time! You may want a closer look at the hook for size and gap measurements, but it'll make your eyes pop out.

Watch as some shifty shipmates take a nice sport fish on a cable:

It's sure hard to tell, but that could possibly be a trevally. They certainly chase forage in schools, they've even been seen attacking and eating water birds!

Thankfully, one of them spent a minute and recorded the whole episode, but it's still a little over the top. Do you know anyone aboard a ship that's done this before?

Well, tell them to share it and they might just see it here!

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