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Therapy Dogs for Parkland School Shooting Survivors Are Honored with Yearbook Page

My sister lives in the Denver area and school shootings are now almost a normal occurrence. The number of these incidents across the country is absolutely overwhelming.

So we love that the students in Parkland, Florida honored those therapy dogs initially brought in to the school to help teens cope with the trauma from that mass shooting. Therapy dogs are amazing. With that in mind, we write about therapy dogs a lot!

The therapy dogs who helped survivors of the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, last year are being honored in the school's yearbook! The pictures are adorable. 

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A Facebook page with the yearbook photo tells us,

"Students in Parkland, Florida, created a yearbook page of furry portraits to honor the 14 therapy and service dogs that helped them get through the aftermath of last year's horrific mass shooting. Therapy dogs were initially brought to the school to help teens cope with the overwhelming trauma after a gunman fatally shot 17 people on campus on Feb. 14 last year."

The Daily Beast shared a quote from a reporter at the Sun Sentinel,

"Therapy dogs have played a big part in the healing at Marjory Stomeman (sic) Douglas High in Parkland this past year, so it's fitting each one got a listing in the (yearbook)," wrote Scott Travis, a reporter at the Sun Sentinel who covers Broward County schools."

The mass shooting on February 14, 2018, killed 17 people and wounded 17 others. 

Look at these pictures! One of them has a bowtie on!

Therapy dogs are used to help students cope with post-traumatic stress after events including school shootings.

Were you affected by the Parkland School shooting? Let us know in the comments.

WATCH NOW: Therapy Dogs Go to Las Vegas After Mass Shooting