The people involved in the devastating mass-shooting in El Paso where 20 people were killed are getting support from humans and four-legged friends. Therapy dogs are so important during any disaster and this is what they're trained for.
The Methodist Healthcare System sent two dogs, Chanel, and Rudy from San Antonio to El Paso. They made a statement on their Facebook page letting people know that they were sending help in the form of emotional support.
"They are already providing their unconditional love and support to first responders helping them cope through this traumatic time. Thanks to Southwest Airlines safely and swiftly getting them down there. We will continue to send prayers to El Paso as well as to Dayton OH."
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According to a story on, they traveled with special handlers.
"The dogs are specifically trained in crisis management, meaning they are able to identify individuals in crisis situations. They typically visit Methodist Healthcare hospitals daily to provide comfort and support to patients."
These two dogs will visit first responder stations and hospitals throughout El Paso. We are so grateful for these dogs and the work they do to comfort first responders.
Therapy dogs will be sent from across the country to El Paso and Dayton, Ohio, where a second mass-shooting occurred.
There are so many wonderful therapy dog programs across the country. Some of these trained dogs work in funeral homes. Other therapy dogs are used to help students cope with post-traumatic stress after events including school shootings.
How were you impacted by these shootings over the weekend? Let us know in the comments.
WATCH NOW: Therapy Dogs Go to Las Vegas After Mass Shooting