NYC senior citizens are living their best lives as they travel across the globe, all without living their nursing homes. A company called Mynd Immersive has brought the magic of virtual reality (also known as VR) to the residents of the New Jewish Home on West 106th Street. Seniors are getting the chance to relive experiences from their youth, as well as travel to the corners of the world they never even dreamed of.
Senior Citizens Experience VR

Screenshot from Mynd Immersive Website
Mynd Immersive is a company that is dedicated to delivering effective solutions for senior care at scale. With a tagline like "Give to the Great American Elderverse," it is evident that this company has a clear mission. The NY Post shares some of the highlights from Mynd Immersive's visit to the New Jewish Home on West 106th Street in NYC.
Through the power of virtual reality, senior citizens experienced a trip to Broadway, puppy snuggles, skydiving, and more. Besides incredible new experiences, some seniors got to revisit places from their past. Walter Delascassas, 77, got to visit the very street where he grew up. Another senior citizen, Cecilia Ferrerio, got to relive a vacation to Spain that she took with her late husband. She told the NY Post, "It looked a little different but the same atmosphere. I loved it."
While many senior citizens chose to visit places that brought them a sense of nostalgia, others opted for new adventures. One woman engaged in a diving simulation where she swam with sharks. Another woman decided to go to Broadway to see "The Lion King."
Benefits Of VR For Senior Citizens
Mynd Immersive CEO and co-founder explained some of the many benefits of virtual reality in senior centers. He told the Post, "The four walls [of nursing home rooms] become sometimes bland, sometimes depressing." Allowing someone to escape those four walls, even just temporarily, can increase their happiness. Many of the senior citizens who use VR loved it and reported feelings of joy.
According to the Mynd Immersive website, "91% of residents using VR would recommend it to others." In addition to bringing joy, VR also helps reduce feelings of isolation and anxiety. It can even improve socialization, memory, and physical fitness. Having reminiscence therapy, which allows seniors to revisit places from their past, helps with memory and differentiating between past and present.
VR spin classes can help with physical fitness and act as a group activity to help increase socialization and reduce feelings of isolation. Furthermore, Mynd Immersive does not just visit senior care facilities. This company serves all of the following:
- Senior Living
- Post-Acute Care
- Home Care/ Aging In Place
- Hospice and Palliative Care
- Veterans
Mynd Immersive also reports an "88% success in reducing feelings of isolation" and an "89% improvement in socialization." With those statistics, it is no wonder that they are growing in popularity and making their way into senior care facilities across the country.