The President of Turkmenistan's Anti-ISIS Propaganda Video Is Straight Out Of A 1980s Action Movie

The President of Turkmenistan's Anti-ISIS Propaganda Video is Straight Out of an '80s Action Movie

I wasn't sure whether to laugh or be impressed when I watched this anti-ISIS propaganda video made by the President of Turkmenistan (just kidding, I laughed!).

Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, the President of Turkmenistan, channeled his inner 1980s action hero when he made this video ostensibly filmed to show off the military strength of his country to ISIS. In reality, it looks like the movie was made more to show off his macho side than anything else. 

President Berdymukhamedov is well known for cultivating a personality cult in Turkmenistan, so this sort of video is about par for the course there. The guy is certainly no Keanu Reeves at the range though.

So, even though they seemed to be trying to demonstrate the strength of the President of Turkmenistan, this video may have actually done the opposite instead.

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Watch the video for yourself and see what I mean.

How do you think Arnold Schwarzenegger feels about the President of Turkmenistan portraying his biceps in the movie "Commando" as his own in this video? As they say, imitation is the highest form of flattery.

Anybody else suspicious about how they handled those video clips of him shooting?

I don't know what sort of carbine he was shooting. He wasn't obviously wearing ear protection, so I'll bet it wasn't chambered in a rifle caliber.

Likewise, I'm not sure what sort of handgun President Berdymukhamedov was using in the middle of the video, but it really looked like it was chambered in something really light like .22LR.

To be perfectly honest, I doubt the video impressed ISIS that much, but they might have gotten a good laugh from watching it. However, it would be a massive understatement to say that the terrorist group has much bigger problems right now than the President of Turkmenistan.

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