wolf chasing buck
David Smith/Facebook

Photographer Captures Wolf Giving Chase to a Whitetail Buck

This gallery of pics shows a chase sequence that is nothing short of intense.

When David Smith set off with friends on a backcountry canoeing trip at Lakeland Provincial Park in Alberta, Canada the furthest thing from his mind was seeing, let alone capturing an intense chase sequence between a wolf and a whitetail buck on camera. But that's what this photographer did and the epic photos he took are going viral.

Here's what happened in Smith's own words:

"After hearing a wolf pack howling in the morning, there was a big splash in the lake 50ft in front of us," Smith said. "What happened I don't think many people will have the luck of seeing, let alone documenting. (I) got real lucky."

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He was real lucky indeed! What an incredible sight to witness, and one few of us will ever see. For those cheering for the buck, it made it to shore unharmed after the wolf had a change of heart (or simply tired out) and turned back around.

wolf chasing buck

Images Courtesy of David Smith/Facebook—We retained the watermarks out of respect for how the photographer originally presented them: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=508562525&sk=photos&collection_token=508562525%3A2305272732%3A69&set=a.10155901436162526.1073741840.508562525&type=3

wolf chasing buck

wolf chasing buck

wolf chasing buck

wolf chasing buck

wolf chasing buck

wolf chasing buck

wolf chasing buck

This series of images reminds us of another stunning gallery we shared with you last year, showing a pack of wolves taking down an elk on an Alberta railway overpass. You can check out those shots HERE.

You can see more of Smith's incredible images on his website.

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