Youth Hunter
YouTube: Shedding Light Outdoors

Youth Hunter Smokes Big Buck With Crossbow, Has Epic Excited Reaction

This kid's reaction to shooting a big buck is what it's all about.

When asking anyone what hunting is about, you're likely to get a plethora of answers. A chance to get away from the outside world, a chance to appreciate nature and a way to obtain some delicious organic meat are probably high on most hunter's lists.

However, plenty of other hunters do this for the memories made with friends and family and few videos illustrate this better than this one from Shedding Light Outdoors.

Ben and his son Daniel head out to hunt near their home in Ohio when a beautiful, large 8-pointer steps out at extremely close range. Daniel keeps his nerves enough to make the shot, but afterwards is when he becomes unglued with excitement. It makes this one of the best hunting videos we have seen so far this year. Check it out.

If this video doesn't get you excited for hunting season, we don't know what will. This was the best hunting video we've seen yet in this young season just for the kid's reaction alone. We're guessing he's going to be bragging to his buddies on the playground for the next few months, if not more. It's great to see more and more young people heading afield and finding success like this.

This will no doubt be an amazing memory that father and son can cherish forever thanks to this video. They are never going to forget a hunt this exciting. Daniel did an excellent job of making that quartering away shot. The buck didn't even make it out of the field. We wish every recovery was that easy!

Daniel's reaction to shooting that buck was one of the best we have seen yet. The fact that he was totally shaking the treestand sounds familiar to anyone who has ever gotten buck fever badly.

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