deer spaghetti

MTN Ops Breaks Out the Meatballs for a Mule Deer Spaghetti Recipe

Mule deer spaghetti? Yes, please! 

There are few recipes more common in the wild-game cook's kitchen than a good venison spaghetti. A big reason for this is that the recipe is normally pretty simple. Just go get some cans of tomato sauce, your choice of meat, maybe some veggies and some noodles, and you're in business. The good folks over at MTN Ops might have just kicked this up a notch, though. This mule deer recipe is going to get some of you excited.

Check this out and let us know what you think! Is this something you're going to make the next time you come across some mule deer?

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Goodness gracious. Those meatballs look absolutely fantastic. Meatballs are a favorite anyway, but if you can make them using wild game, they're even better.

You have to admit, it's pretty cool knowing exactly where your meat comes from. Personally, we don't eat any meat at home other than what we get through hunting. It's because of this perhaps most hunters have such an appreciation for wild-game cooking.

Overall, this recipe looks easy enough. All that's left to do is give it a try!