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Dancing Police Horse Busts a Move Down in New Orleans

When this police horse and his partner came across some great street music, they couldn't resist the chance to get funky and have a little fun.

Police horses are valuable members of police departments all across the country. Because horses are large and powerful, they give officers a vantage point that other people don't have. From the back of a police horse, an officer can see everything going on around him, while also appearing powerful and commanding respect.

Police horses also help officers patrol varied areas, taking them where patrol cars can't easily go, like in between traffic and down alleys. They're valuable in helping to control crowds, but they serve another important purpose: They can help officers connect with the public. Many people are drawn to horses, and they may be more receptive to an officer on horseback than if they were approached by an officer on a motorcycle or on foot.

But patrol work isn't all about, well, work, as one police horse and his officer show. Sometimes, you just need to have a little fun and show off your dancing skills.

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Take a look!

This is a perfect demonstration of how police horses can help officers connect with the public. Just look at the crowd's reaction to the horse's awesome dance moves. They're cheering the horse and rider on, and treat them to a great round of applause when they decide to move on with their patrol.

Police horses and officers receive lots of training to ensure that they're ready to patrol the streets. The horses are taught to deal with stressful situations, like crowds, traffic, and loud noises. They're essentially bombproof by the time they head out on patrol, but they're still sensitive and aware of their rider's commands.

This dancing horse shows off the commands that he's been taught, responding to his rider's legs, seat, and slight rein aides that appear almost invisible. What a great demonstration of how responsive police horses are!

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This article was originally published December 29, 2017.

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