One Chef's Technique for Cooking the Ultimate Venison Steak

You may have your ways, but this is for those who want to learn another method for creating mouthwatering venison steaks.

Anyone can throw some meat on the heat and call it good, but a little know-how is necessary to cook the ultimate venison steak.

Wondering how to cook the ultimate venison steak? Or maybe just want to hear someone out on what they think might be the best way?

After all, opinions vary, and people like different things done different ways. This is not to say we're forcing one particular method upon you, but rather showing you what one source found to be their preferred technique.

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Watch this video to find out what it involves.

Is that a grizzly bear at the door or just my stomach growling? Those venison steaks looked awesome.

Venison steaks can come from the tenderloin, backstrap, or hindquarter of a deer or elk. With the knowledge shown in the video, it would be hard to screw up these tender, delicious cuts of game meat.

Let's review the steps for preparing the ultimate venison steak:

  • Let the meat come up to room temperature before cooking.
  • Brush steaks in olive oil and roll in your favorite seasoning.
  • Get your pan (or grill) REALLY hot!
  • Cook for 2-5 minutes per side depending on the size of your steaks. DO NOT cook past medium; medium rare is best.
  • Baste in melted butter. An old deer hunting buddy of mine used to dip his venison steak in melted butter before each bite. I laughed at him until I tried it myself and changed my opinion. Basting with butter has the same positive effect.
  • Let the steaks rest for 10 minutes. I know it's hard, but don't screw up your quest for the ultimate venison steak by getting impatient.

One thing that we'll recommend is a good cast iron pan to cook your steaks in. They're universal, work great for this application, and last a really, really long time.

Well, what are you waiting for? Get some meat thawing and cook up your own ultimate venison steak.