Facebook: Delray Beach Fire rescue

Riding in Cars With Dogs: Jeep Crashes Into FedEx Near A Canine Companion

A Jeep crashes into a FedEx copy store and somehow an unknowing dog ended up under it.

Remember when you really, really, really had to get to the copy shop and get your English final printed out and laminated? Man, FedEx was all the rage. Now, not so much, but some people still find themselves rushing over to the copy and shipping store with reckless abandon, literally.


Facebook: Delray Beach Fire Rescue

A couple was injured by the Jeep in Delray Beach, Florida, as it barrelled through a local FedEx copy store unable to halt its momentum, according to the Miami Herald. Drywall? Didn't stand a chance. Industrial-grade copy machines? That was nothing! The vehicle bolted through the store and landed all the way toward the back near the Self Service Copy & Print sign.

Curious Canine

When the damage was done ad the debris stopped falling, a canine companion found itself trapped underneath the Jeep, miraculously unharmed. The victims came away with bumps and bruises and thankfully the only damage was to those commercial-grade printers. No word on who the dog belonged to or how the heck it ended up under the Jeep like the kid in that scene in Jurassic Park.

NEXT: Cheetah Jumps in Safari Jeep, Scares Guy Stiff...Literally
