Avoid common camping problems with these simple tips.
Everyone has had a camping trip go horribly wrong. I know I've had my share. That being said, there are little things you can do to make things much more enjoyable for yourself and everyone camping with you.
Fix.com has illustrated them with some very nice infographics. Even if you've heard some of these before, they're great refreshers.

Find some tips for other situations at the Fix.com blog.
I really can't emphasize that higher ground part of marshy areas enough. Really, that applies not just to marsh areas, but to any camping. I once had a tent get flooded and ruin an $800 Nikon Digital SLR camera. With that in mind, keep the valuable electronics in the vehicle, or a waterproof container!
Also, be aware of dead or dying trees. You don't want to camp near something might fall on you in a high wind. When I have the option to pick my campsite, I always pick it with the worst weather possible in mind.
What spot will provide the most protection from a thunderstorm or the cold winds? What spots will pool water during a heavy rain? These are all things to consider when picking a spot.

Find some tips for other situations at the Fix.com blog.
Mosquitoes can be a real pain. If you're using a large enough tent, a mosquito net isn't a bad idea for keeping the bugs away as you sleep, either. These are actually some good alternatives. If you're like me, you tend to shy away from the sprays because of the smell and how sticky they can be.
As an alternative, I've used products like Thermacell with great success. Their products also work nicely for early-season bowhunts when the weather is still warm!

Find some tips for other situations at the Fix.com blog.
Depending on the type of camping you're doing, you might not have to worry about water treatment. (You won't have to worry about water in a campground). But for back country trips where you have to hike to your camping site, water treatment could be important. This is especially true because you never know what will happen in the outdoors.
It only takes a moment or two for things to go very wrong; most survival stories start out as very routine trips. Being prepared with water treatments could save your life.
Also always remember to let someone know where you're going and what time you'll be back. It never hurts to have proper gear like a GPS beacon for more remote trips so rescuers can find you.
There are some really nice tips on these graphics. Definitely things I could have used in the past! Try following these simple tips and you can be sure your next camping trip is one of your most enjoyable ever.