Things Hunters Can Learn From Snakes
Getty Images: Oriaz

4 Important Lessons Hunters Can Learn from Snakes

Snakes are deadly hunters in the field, so why shouldn't we learn a thing or two from them? 

Hunters are predators, there is no other way to look at it. Yes, hunters enjoy being outside and the comradery with buddies, but the essence of hunting is the goal of harvesting an animal. So therefore, predators are the best way to describe hunters. 

There are a lot of things hunters can learn from nature's greatest predators, especially considering the predators of nature are incredibly more efficient than hunters could ever dream of being. One critter that can teach hunters a few things is the snake. Love them or hate them, there's no denying these reptiles are great hunters. 

While it might be more pleasing to the eye and ear to compare yourself to a lion or a bear, it might not be as accurate. Modern human hunters are not brute force hunters. We don't chase down our prey on foot like those animals do. In most cases, we are practitioners of wits and patience, much like a snake. See what I'm saying?

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If you don't agree, consider the following and see what I mean. There are plenty of lessons hunters should be taking from snakes.

Snakes are pros at camouflage

Things Hunters Can Learn From Snakes

Getty Images: Holcy

One thing that makes snakes such good hunters is their ability to camouflage with their surroundings. They are sometimes impossible to see, and we often don't even know that they are there. This is extremely valuable in their hunting pursuits. 

You might argue that this is unfair because snakes are born with a variety of colors and patterns suited to their preferred environment. I agree somewhat. But humans are born with brains and critical thinking skills. We have designed all sorts of camouflage patterns, just wear the one most suited for your area. 

Camouflage is great, but snakes use it in conjunction with hiding. It's pretty easy to pick out a brown snake when it is sitting in green grass, but what about when they are at the base of a tree or in the mud. Camouflage can only get you so far as a hunter. You have to also be good at hiding and staying still when your prey is close.

Snakes are among the stealthiest of predators

Snakes are not born with blinding speed like cheetahs or the bone crunching bite of a bear, and neither are humans. Snakes are stealthy hunters, moving slow and methodically, often ambushing their prey. Sounds similar to how humans usually hunt, right?

You'll hardly ever see a snake run down prey. They sit back and make calculated moves to close distance, or they will wait for their prey to come to them. Their stealth makes them practically invisible to other animals, and makes up for their lack of speed and strength. 

Hunters should move through their hunting areas much like snakes. Take it slow, always scoping ahead for possible game. We as humans are not about to run down a squirrel or a deer, we depend on stealth and ambush in most cases, just like these slithery reptiles.

Snakes practice patience 

Snakes are very patient hunters, often sitting in one spot for hours while waiting on an ambush opportunity. They aren't jittery or anxious while sitting in one spot. They are like stone and know that their ability to sit for long periods of time will pay off in a meal. 

Patience is key for human and animal hunters alike. And while sitting and waiting doesn't seem like that much fun, it is vital to consistent success. Snakes depend on patience in regard to their setups and know that this approach is the most efficient way to obtain food. 

In hunting, it is often that extra hour on the deer stand or the extra fifteen minutes before changing setups on a Tom turkey that pay off the most. Patience is a hunter's best friend and is best taught early. Patience will put more game in your truck than just about any other factor.

Snakes are cold blooded confident 

Things Hunters Can Learn from Snakes

Travis Smola

Confidence is key in hunting and snakes are full of it. They know that their camouflage, stealth, and patience will pay off. They also have confidence in their ability to get the job done when the time comes. You could say that they are cold blooded in more ways than one. 

We should note confidence comes through repeated practice. I'm sure juvenile snakes have plenty of missed opportunities but learn and adapt from each one. Nobody nor any critter is confident in themselves upon first attempt, but with practice and the will to get back into the game, confidence grows. 

As a hunter you must carry confidence to the woods with you. This means consistent practice and staying sharp. Shoot your weapon enough to build a mindless routine and a cool head. Practice with your gear and setups to ensure that you are efficient. Confidence kills and hunters need to exude that. 

Most hunters hate snakes. We think of them as a slithering, biting danger in the woods. I'm not suggesting that you have to like them but you should at least respect them and try to learn from them. They are incredibly efficient hunters and can even make it look easy. They depend on success in the field to live, most of us just do it recreationally.