GRAPHIC: Animal Aid Saves Immobile Stray Nearly Devoured by Maggots

When Animal Aid received an urgent call about an immobile stray dog, the rescue team mobilized immediately and rushed to the scene.

When they found the dog, the gravity of his situation became clear.

Too weak to move, the dog lay helplessly on the concrete. A massive wound on the right side of his head was crawling with maggots, and flies swarmed around him.

A member of the Animal Aid rescue team wrapped the dog in a blanket and scooped him up. The team rushed him back to the Animal Aid shelter.

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As soon as he arrived at the facility, a team of veterinarians and caretakers took over. They started him on IV fluids, antibiotics, and pain medication. They also applied powder to his wound in order to kill the maggots.

They let the powder sit for several hours. Once enough time had passed and the maggots were dead, the team got to work tending to the massive wound. It was a major undertaking, as the dog's entire ear was necrotic.

The team removed hundreds of dead maggots and debrided the wound. Caretakers bandaged the wound with hypertonic (medication-laden) gauze. The whole process was laborious, but the dog braved his way through like a champ.

Then, it was time for the dog, whom rescuers named Moses, to rest and heal. It took two months before Moses was back on his feet.

Today, thanks to Animal Aid, Moses is a happy senior pooch who will live out his days at the Animal Aid sanctuary in the company of other rescued street animals. Help came just in time for Moses, but many other street animals aren't so lucky.

Click here to learn more about Animal Aid's tireless work on behalf of India's forgotten animals, and find out how you can help save precious lives.

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