Us dog owners have a special bond with our furry friends. Most of us argue that there is nothing we wouldn't do for our beloved pets. Well, this man didn't just talk the talk, his actions matched his claim. This Florida man suffered a bite to the stomach as he was defending his dog from three bears.
Man Suffers Bite To Stomach Defending Dog From Three Bears

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Blake Sprout was just having a normal day. The Florida resident's dogs alerted him that they needed to go outside so he opened the door without a second thought. After all, letting his dogs out in the front yard is an everyday occurrence. However, what was not on the everyday menu was coming face-to-face with three bear cubs.
When speaking with FOX 35 Orlando Sprout stated,
"There were three bears in my yard and my dogs saw them and ran straight for them."
This is typical dog behavior, they see another animal on their turf and they get territorial and protective. While all of his dogs went after the bears, one of his dogs, "Karen", got a little too close to the action. One of the bear cubs managed to grab Karen between its teeth and Sprout rushed into action.
He ran up to the bear and kicked the bear in the chest. However, while he was defending his dog from the bears, Sprout managed to suffer a bite to the stomach as well.
Whiskey Riff shares his statement.
"He growled and charged and latched onto my stomach. He had Karen in his mouth and I ran up to it and just kind of kicked it in the chest area ( to get the bear) to drop her."
A Man And His Dogs: After The Attack
Although the man suffered a bite to the stomach while defending his dog from three bears, both Sprout and Karen seem to be okay. While both dog and owner suffered bite wounds no serious injuries occurred and both are healing well. When asked what gave him the bravery to save his dog, Sprout responded how most of us dog owners would.
"She's a part of the family," he stated. Then he elaborated that his kids loved her and he couldn't imagine telling them that she was gone and that he just sat and watched her die. Or in this case, get eaten by a bear. Luckily for Karen and her owner it was just the cubs that decided to make an appearance that day. If mama bear had joined the fight I think there would have been a very different ending to the story.