Facebook: Drury Outdoors

Father and Son's Blind Peppered With Bird Shot by Road Poacher Shooting at Turkeys

In this shocking video, a man named Paul Whitwell lives through every father's nightmare.

If there is anything we like less than a poacher, it is someone who also puts other people's lives at risk due to unsafe handling of firearms. When someone combines both of those poor choices, well, that just upsets us even more. This video from Drury Outdoors is an example of just that. This hunter and his son are shot at by an illegal road hunter while out turkey hunting.

Make sure the sound is on, and you can hear pellets hitting their blind.

Watch the video below:

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Terrifying, right? Poachers and illegal road hunters harm the reputation of the entire hunting community and put families in danger. The video does not state what happened after this. We are hoping these guys took this video to their local game warden. There may not be much to go on the suspects from this video, but at least authorities will know to be on the lookout for someone behaving badly and putting others in danger.

We are happy to hear that both father and son came out of this unharmed, but this underscores how important it is to come together as a community to stop this kind of behavior.

Many of us know someone who might not have learned all the rules growing up, or who might not be teaching them to their kids today. Keep an eye out, set a good example for your neighbors, and take every safety precaution so you never experience this live and in-person rather than on secondhand video!

Special thanks to the Drurys for helping spread awareness about this incident, and be safe out there in the turkey woods.