Facebook/Two by Two Animal Rescue

Dog in Alabama Recovering After He Was Tossed from a Car

'Lewis' is one lucky pup. What kind of person throws a dog out of a car? This is a horrible case of animal abuse. 

This dog was a victim of animal cruelty in Alabama. Not only was he thrown out of a car he also has a disease called mange (which can be managed and treated). Thank goodness someone saw this animal abuse happen and brought him immediately to a rescue in Birmingham. He is already on his way to a foster family to help him recover and understand how to be a dog.

Two by Two Animal Rescue in Birmingham, Alabama posted this to their Facebook page.

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"It's not enough that Lewis feels miserable, his skin is decaying and falling off but then he is pushed out of a car! ?

The person who witnessed the atrocity picked him up and took Lewis to a shelter that is already bursting at the seams. The shelter called us and now we are calling on you! Help us help him."

He looks pretty happy in this video and is clearly now being given a lot of TLC.

They need donations! If you would like to donate to help out 'Lewis', donate at www.twobytworescue.com/donate. 

Animal cruelty needs to be reported. If you recognize this dog and know who tossed him out of a moving vehicle, please report this incident to police in Birmingham.

How sweet is Lewis? I'm sure he'll find a forever family in no time! Please leave us a comment and let us know! 

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