deaf woman killed and husband mauled by dogs
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Deaf Woman Killed, Husband Injured After Being Mauled By Dogs

It appears that our backyards are not as safe as we thought. In Ohio, a woman froze to death in her own backyard and now we have a couple being attacked in their backyard. The Missouri couple was just going about their day when three dogs descended upon them. After being mauled by the dogs, a deaf woman was killed, and her husband was severely injured.

Couple Mauled By Dogs: Deaf Woman Is Killed

Gladys Anthony and her husband were just enjoying the day in their own backyard. However, around 11:45 on January 15, things took a turn for the worst. Three dogs appeared and descended upon the couple. Gladys, was hearing impaired, so she could most likely not hear the dogs approaching.

As the dogs surrounded her and began attacking her, the woman's husband fired gunshots into the air. While his efforts were valiant, they did nothing to deter the dogs from their attack. However, the NY Post shares that ShotSpotter technology picked up the sound of the gunshots and alerted local police.

Then, police arrived to the Missouri home to find both Gladys and her husband surrounded and being mauled by the dogs in their backyard. The man was trying to fend off the dogs with a broom, but it was no use. Police pepper sprayed the dogs and were able to drag Gladys inside of her home. Although they offered her aid and rushed her to the hospital, the deaf woman was killed by the injuries she sustained.

A Devastating Scene

deaf woman killed and husband mauled by dogs

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After the deaf woman was killed her family spoke out about the incident. Gladys's daughter spoke with KMOV about the horrible event. "They took a chunk out of her arm," she recalled. "Her legs were ate up. There was nothing that could be done to stop those damn dogs from touching her."

While Gladys's husband survived being mauled by the dogs, he suffered extensive injuries. As he was fending off the dogs with a broom, he suffered multiple bite wounds to his arms and legs. The dogs involved in the incident were seized by the city's Animal Control Division, and their owner is cooperating with the ongoing investigation.

While police are determined to investigate this issue further and make people feel safe, there is now a family without a wife, mother, and grandmother who are grieving this bizarre, terrifying, and unfortunate incident.