They say that cats have nine lives and this little guy decided to put that theory to the test. In order to escape burning flames, this cat jumps three stories from a building and miraculously survives.
Cat Jumps Three Stories From Burning Building

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Goldie, a ginger cat, was in a building that caught fire. In an attempt to escape the flames, Goldie retreated to the outer windowsill of the building. A firefighter spotted him and tried to reach for the cat to save him. That is when the jaw-dropping moment occurred. Rather than go back into the burning building, the cat jumps three stories to the ground below.
According to the NY Post the 6-year-old cat suffered from "deep scrapes and a split lip." However, all things considered that is nothing compared to how things could have ended. Miraculously the cat had no broken bones. The building that Goldie jumped from is a converted hotel that now provides stable housing for the foremerly homeless.
Meaning that while Goldie suffered minor injuries, his owner still did not have enough to cover his medical expenses. Luckily, the local nonprofit The Animal Project created a GoFundMe for Goldie and is raising the $1,500 needed for his medical bills. Once all the bills are paid, any extra cash will go towards living costs — such as cat food, litter, or a collar.
The nonprofit has already raised $4,057 for the cause and plans to raise more. There is already plenty for this miracle cat's injuries and I have no doubt more money will be coming in.
What Comes Next?
While Goldie is being cared for, he has had no contact with his owner. Elliott, Goldie's owner, has returned to his apartment while Goldie is receiving care. Goldie is currently on crate rest for two weeks and is being monitored. Kelly Mahoney from the Animal Project explained his progress.
"Goldie is subject to infection, so we want to make sure while he's in this recovery period that if anything goes wrong, we can treat it right away." She continued, "And make sure when we deliver Goldie back to his loving owner, who's hit hard times, that he's in 100 percent good condition."