If you loved the movie Homeward Bound growing up, then you will love this story! A cat went missing at Yellowstone Park, and a family was left devastated without their beloved pet. However this fearless feline was determined to get back to his home...and he did two months after his disappearance.
Cat Goes Missing At Yellowstone Park

The NY Post shared that Benny and Susanne Anguiano were enjoying a camping trip with with their housecat, Rayne Beau. All was going well until the cat got spooked and ran off into the brush. Although the pair spent the remainder of their trip searching for their favorite feline with treats and toys, it was of no use. Their cat had gone missing at Yellowstone Park.
Susanne told a local station,
"We had to leave without him. That was the hardest day because I felt like I was abandoning him."
Any pet owner can empathize with the horror of leaving a pet behind; the feeling is indescribable. Although Benny and Susanne had given up home, Rayne had not. Sixty days later, a woman in Roseville, California, found him in the street and realized he was someone's pet. She turned him in which allowed the company Pet Watch to access his microchip and alert the Anguianos of their precious baby.
One Incredible Cat
No one truly understands how the cat that went missing in Yellowstone Park ended up about 200 miles northeast of Salinas. That journey from Yellowstone to Roseville were Rayne was found is about 800 miles! That is a lot of walking for those tiny paws.
When he was finally reunited with his family, poor Rayne looked like he had traveled those 8,000 miles. Susanne said he looked "really depleted" and she doubted that he would have had the "energy to even go further." The couple is hoping people will reach out to them and help them fill in the missing pieces of Rayne's journey.
They are so curious how their furbaby made the incredible journey back to them. However, even if they never find out, they are so immensely grateful that Rayne is now back at home, safe and sound. Susanne uses this experience to urge pet owners to get their pets microchipped. She states, "We would have never gotten him back had that not happened."