Urban Coyote
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Tough-to-Watch Video Shows Coyote Making Off With Someone's Pet

An urban coyote carrying a dead cat will give any pet lover a shudder.

Your backyard should be for you, your kids and your pets. This particular setting should be a safe and happy place to enjoy a swim and a relaxing afternoon.

Enter one coyote carrying a cat in its mouth, and we have a much different scene.

CAUTION: Pet owners may find this disturbing.

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I see that six-foot fence didn't do a lot in the form of coyote control. It hopped up there like it's been doing it for a while, no?

There's a lot to say here, perhaps starting with the question of why someone would post such a video. Many are disgusted with whoever took the footage, wondering why they didn't save the cat or just shoot the coyote. For starters, the cat certainly appeared dead. Secondly, if you shoot a firearm in such close proximity to the adjacent homes, you're probably going to jail, and not before you face some armed police.

Call a conservation officer, because this varmint has done this before and will do it again.

What to do to prevent coyote attacks

As difficult as this is for pet owners and more importantly parents of small children, we have to look at the facts here. Coyotes are wild animals. They can be stopped by certain fences and protective measures, but sometimes there's not much to be done.

Keep pets indoors or entirely supervised, and maybe even consider a defensive stance. Store and secure all pet food sources, and report any coyote sightings to the proper conservation authorities.

Urban areas are seeing more and more coyote activity as development impacts the coyote's habitat. Showing up in your front yard or back porch isn't all that far fetched for a coyote these days, and their fear of humans seems to diminish with more interaction.

They don't know "Fluffy" is your pet cat and they don't know "Bitzy" is your small dog. All they see is an easy meal standing right in front of them.

Diligence is your best chance to keep your pet and possibly your child safe from a wild coyote.