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Black Swan Attacks Dog for Swimming in the Wrong Lake

Sometimes, even "public" parks have their fair share of grouchy neighbors, as one innocent pup found out.

Black swan theory refers to something that comes out of nowhere, is usually very important, but is hard to predict before it happens. A "black swan" event, in hindsight, is something you realistically could have seen coming. There are examples of this typically rare occurrence in the natural world, but I'm not sure how many of those black swan events included an actual black swan.

As a Golden Retriever was out enjoying a lovely swim, one black swan decided to go full "get off my property" and came charging at this poor pooch. Swatting at him in an effort to force this dog out of the water, onlookers watched helplessly as the angry swan tries pushing the dog below water. Luckily for us, one cameraperson was able to capture the wild, natural encounter on video.

Editor's Note: Link to the video is below, which redirects you to YouTube in order to watch.

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Black Swan Attacks Dog

Eventually, the swan has its fill and retreats once the dog makes its way back to the dock. Several people helped the pooch out of the water, and it appears no one — dog or swan — were injured in the attack.

In classic, hilarious Golden fashioned, this smiling good boy jumped right back into the water to enjoy the rest of his swim; swan be damned.

A reminder to all dog owners: Getting your K9 friend out for a swim is great exercise, but make sure to keep an eye on them. Even strong swimmers can get carried away, especially at a young age, and tire easily. It's not often a friggin' swan will swoop in on them, but I guess you never know?

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