Sad looking, whiny dog

Here's When to Worry If Your Dog Won't Stop Whining

Why is my dog whining? This is a common question among pet owners, especially if they can't find anything physically wrong with their pup. We love our dogs, but the language barrier can get to be a bit much at times, even if you think you know your dog. While telling Fido to sit seems like a clear enough command, sometimes that gets lost in translation and he darts around the house like a madman. Some communication issues can be resolved with better training, but your dog might not be the only one misreading signals. Humans might feel frustrated with the lack of language, but any dog sound can be decoded with enough practice.

When dogs sigh, it can be hard to decode what they mean. Sighing or grumbling are just a few of the ways he has to let you know what's on his mind, but understanding what he's trying to say can be tricky. There are other indicators that dog owners should be aware of, including reading body language and additional behavioral shifts, to help explain exactly why your dog is letting out that heart-melting sound. Here are a few of the most common reasons why your dog may be whining.

5 Reasons Why Dogs Whine

1. Stress

stressed dog by bowl why is my dog whining


You may think a dog's life is all about games of fetch and long naps, but adult dogs react to stress much like humans do. New environments, unfamiliar people or dogs, and generally uncomfortable situations may stress your dog out.

Whining is one of the most effective forms of communication he has to clue you in to his feelings. Panting, the inability to respond to cues, and pacing may also accompany whining and are indicators of separation anxiety in dogs. If your dog is whimpering every day when he's alone, he may be experiencing this all-too-common diagnosis. Giving him his favorite toy when you leave, giving him extra playtime when you're home, and crate training him with a kennel are all ways to help with separation anxiety.

2. Boredom

bored dog lying on couch why is my dog whining

A bored dog is an unhappy dog, and they'll do anything they can to get your attention. A bored dog will chew on your furniture, pace, and also whine. It's a whine that says: "Why won't you play with me?"

It can be tempting to give in to that pitiful sound, and you're really in trouble if they combine whining with puppy dog eyes, but it's important not to encourage that attention-seeking behavior. Appeasement will not improve your dog's behavior in the long run. If you give in, you're teaching your pup that whining will solve all of his problems.

Dogs can be stubborn and determined, and that whining can literally go on for hours if he thinks it will eventually pay off. Make sure your dog receives adequate amounts of mental stimulation to keep him busy, and work with a dog trainer or attend training classes if you think your dog needs some extra help.

3. Excitement

excited german shepherd mix why is my dog whining


On the other side of that spectrum, whining may also indicate your dog is extra excited about something. It's usually easy to tell the difference between a bored whine and an excited one. An excited dog jumps, wiggles, wags its tale, and may behave in a way you consider to be out of control, and you'd be right. Some dogs, especially puppies, simply can't control their emotions enough to calm down. A whine usually accompanies all of those other actions.

You can help your dog learn impulse control by teaching him the "calm down" or "go to your mat" commands.

4. Pain

sick dog lying on blanket why is my dog whining

Humans moan, groan, and cry when they're in pain, and dogs are no different. If you notice that your dog whines every time he walks upstairs or stands up, that's a good indication that he's in pain. Arthritis is as common in older dogs as it is in older humans, and it's just as painful. Watch your dog carefully to see if he is limping. While CBD treats can help some dogs with arthritis and anxiety, it's important not to stress your old pup more than necessary. Grab a footstool to help your dog get into bed or onto the couch if you allow your dog to share those spaces.

Younger dogs may also be whining in pain due to some kind of injury. Your dog can't verbally tell you when something's wrong, so it's important to take this kind of whining seriously by seeing a vet.

5. Needing Something

puppy sitting sadly around destruction of items


Your dog can't use words to tell you when he needs a potty break or when his water dish is empty, so he whines instead. It may take a few guesses, but it shouldn't be hard to interpret his meaning. Pay attention to his basic needs like food and water, and if that's not it, branch out to other things your dog frequently needs. Sometimes it's as simple as putting his favorite blanket back on the couch or retrieving a toy from under the recliner.

The better you and your dog communicate, the stronger your bond will be. You may think it's frustrating when your dog doesn't understand what you're saying, but your misinterpretations of his actions can be just as trying.

The next time you hear your dog whining, know he's trying to tell you something. Pay attention to his body language and what else is going on in order to translate his needs.

This post was originally published on Jun 19, 2016.

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