Photo by: Brad Pierce / Facebook

11-Foot Alligator Attacks the Wing of Landing Airplane and Pays the Price

This is certainly the type of alligator story that only comes out of the heart of gator land itself!

Florida is known for its big alligators turning up in very strange places and doing very strange things. From crossing golf courses, jumping in swimming pools and climbing trees, to now getting hit by planes. Looks like there is nothing the Florida alligator can't do.

UPI reported that pilot Brad Pierce posted a photo to Facebook on Tuesday, showing the dead alligator on the tarmac. The incident took place at Orlando Executive Airport where Pierce reported that another pilot's plane had collided with the monster gator.

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Pierce explained, "A local pilot hit an 11-foot alligator which was crossing runway 7/25 at Orlando Executive Airport (KORL). I was told the pilot was flying a Navajo and the gator jumped up and struck the wing during his landing. The gator was killed instantly and the aircraft sustained damage to the wing. One of the craziest things I've ever seen in all my years in aviation. Welcome to Florida folks!"

Since more information could not be gathered due to an ongoing investigation from the Federal Aviation Administration, one can only speculate just how the alligator managed to hit he wing of the aircraft.

This is exactly the type of stuff that keep people coming back to Florida year after year. Just when you think you have seen it all, something like this pops up.

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