dead deer pennsylvania

You'll Never Guess How This Dead Deer Ended Up on the Roof

Imagine showing up for work in the morning, looking up on the roof, and seeing a dead deer.

I first saw this story in one of my Facebook groups. Stephen Wolota of Alleghany County, shared some photos of a dead deer on the roof of his work.

pennsylvania buck

The photo first appears as though the craziest of things could have happened with the building so close to the road. Immediately, I began thinking that a fast-driving tractor trailer must have hit this deer. I mean, how else could it end up dead on the roof? You can see the building sits very close to the road, so it is possible. That wasn't the case, though.

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I then thought, OK, this is one of those guys trying to get likes on his post. He or his buddies, dragged the deer to the roof and placed it there as a joke. Then maybe he took some photos in an attempt to grow a story that doesn't exist. That too, was not the case.

So when I was able to finally reach out to Wolota and ask him what happened, he surprised me.

He told me when he arrived at work, he saw this deer on the roof. He grabbed a ladder, climbed up and saw it had what appeared to be a hole in the deers body. He thought it was from a poorly placed broadhead.

At this point, I went back to thinking that someone planted this deer on the roof. This was until he showed me a picture of the roofline. Stephen told me that the backside of the building butted right up to the woodline. The forest floor is the same level as the roof, leading him to believe this deer was shot and ended up on the roof.

deer hit by car pennsylania

He joked with me and said, "It did land near the gutter, as we all know, wounded deer look to head towards water, maybe that is what she was doing."

Of course it's sad to see an animal shot and go unfound. When we lose a blood trail, we always hope the deer will survive. I guess this just goes to show that until you truly check absolutely everywhere, you never know where your wounded deer could end up.

All Images provided by Stephen Wolota

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