
Bombproof Horse Shows No Fear in Chaotic Environment

Dirtbikes? Screaming children? Trampolines? They're no big deal for this amazingly bombproof horse. 

A bombproof horse is worth its weight in gold, especially if you're looking to build your confidence or are coming back from a scary riding fall. But when you're shopping for a new horse, you'll often find that the horses marketed as being bombproof really aren't.

So, sellers ask questions. Lots of them. Some even ask for proof. When the sellers of Nouveau Heights, a.k.a. Pumba, received a question about whether Pumba was good with kids, they decided to provide proof. Lots of it.

This video is the result. Here's the video's description:

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 Ok guys, the joys of selling horses. I keep being asked if this horse is "good with children" the last person asked for "a video" ??? So I have checked just incase I had accidentally advertised her in the "nannies looking for work" section. I haven't. Anyway, today Nouveau Heights, aka Pumba humoured us.... no children or horses were harmed in the making of this video... surprisingly...

Take a look at this amazing horse!

Dirtbikes? Trampolines? Playing children? These scary things are no big deal for Pumba. He's happy to jump around a course and hardly gives all the activity a second glance. Now, this is the kind of horse you want for busy horse show environments, schooling sessions when the ring is busy, and pretty much any unusual situations you might encounter during a ride.

So, are you looking for a bombproof horse? A child-safe beginner horse? A steady trail horse? A safe horse that can handle just about anything? Pumba's for sale and looking for a forever home!

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This article was originally published June 15, 2017.

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