Ice Safety

Video: This Angler's Harrowing Survival Tale is a Good Reminder of Fishing and Ice Safety

This angler's story is a good reminder of safety in the outdoors.

We all love spending time out enjoying all of Mother Nature's glory. But she can be a harsh mistress too. It only takes a second for a day enjoying the outdoors to turn into a nightmare.

That is exactly what happened to Milliken Fishing, a prominent fishing YouTuber. He was out making a new fishing video from the docks in a Nebraska marina when he unexpectedly fell into the icy cold waters.

Falling off a dock may not sound like a big deal, but the situation quickly turned ugly. Hear him recount the whole harrowing tale in the video below. It's a bit long, but it's worth a listen.

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It is pretty easy to become complacent in the outdoors and begin to let your guard down. Most tragedies in the woods seem to happen when the person is least expecting it. That was definitely the case here. He was definitely lucky those marina workers just happened to be there that day. Another 20 minutes and this guy likely would have been a goner.

We're glad he shared his story. It makes us take a step back and reassess some of the things we've done in the outdoors. Surely all of us can recall a time we did something stupid we shouldn't have done. When we are alone in the outdoors, there's no sense in taking chances.

Keep this tale in mind when you head out into the woods or onto the icy lakes in the coming weeks and months. Stay safe. Take a buddy or let someone know where you are going and when you will be back. Remember, your loved ones are depending on you coming home.