duck dog
Facebook: Superior Bait & Tackle

Sleeping Duck Dog Wakes Up in Marsh

This is what a retriever looks like when it's completely out of gas.

We all know the feeling of exhaustion on that last day of a multi-day hunt. You have to push yourself to wake up that final morning, which is even harder when you've already had success in the early days of your trip.

Sometimes, though, there's just no gas left in the tank. You try your hardest to open your eyes, but you already know you're down for the count.

In a Facebook video from Superior Bait & Tackle, we see a Labrador retriever that's apparently on the final day of a five-day hunt.

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Despite its best effort to stay strong, this trusty duck dog has officially called it quits. However, he's trying to squeeze in a nap on a very small space—a platform above water—so it's only a matter of time before he wakes up in the water, right?

Watch the video below:

Good morning!

There's nothing funnier than watching a dog catch itself by surprise like this. On the other hand, though, you can't help but feel bad because you know this poor lab earned a nap.

A five-day hunt is a lot for a person, let alone a dog that's typically running twice as fast as us throughout the entire hunt. They manage to withstand cold weather, both on the marsh and on dry land when the temperature drops, continuing to sacrifice themselves to please us.

Training a dog to hunt is a full-time job, as it demands daily attention and unconditional patience. But, it's moments like these that remind dog owners of why the whole experience is so special.

Thank you to Superior Bait & Tackle for sharing this hilarious video, and happy hunting to all!

Have you ever watched your duck hunting dog do something funny like this? Let us know!