
Large Rattlesnake Crosses Trail in Indiana State Park

A man finds quite a surprise while walking a trail in an Indiana State Park.

Ask many people what the worst thing they could encounter on a nice stroll on a state park trail and this would probably fall right up at the top, a giant rattlesnake. Clayton Fleener was walking a trail in Brown County State Park in Indiana when they had an unexpected visitor cross right in front of them.

This visitor just happened to be one of the biggest rattlesnakes I have ever seen.

Now, of course, many of you are going to yell and scream, "I have seen hundreds bigger than that," or "That is not even close to the biggest rattlesnake."

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Well, maybe so, but does that change the fact that the snake is enormous and bigger than anything I would want to encounter? Absolutely not.

Indiana DNR reported that the snake looks to be a timber rattlesnake, an endangered species. Park rangers reported to Fleener and his family that they were tagging and tracking the snakes in the area.

They also insisted that if you give them space and don't bother them, they won't bother you.


When I think of places with giant rattlesnakes, Indiana is definitely not a state that comes to mind first. IDNR also stated that they are not seen very often because they don't like human interaction, but July and August are peak breeding seasons for the snakes so encounters may be more frequent.

But, no reason to panic: there has only been one reported timber rattlesnake attack in the last decade, and it was on a dog that broke from its leash.

With all that said though, most will prefer to never see anything of this size on their hiking trips. It's enough to make you invest in a pair of snake boots!

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