YouTube: CPR 694

Underwater Footage Shows Lake Superior's Only Train Wreck

The only train wreck in Great Lakes history has been found. 

Everyone knows the Great Lakes' legendary reputation for being the graveyard of many a ship for hundreds of years, but not many know it's the final resting place of one train wreck, too!

Beneath the surface of Lake Superior, near the town of Marathon, Ontario, Canadian Pacific Railroad locomotive 694, a D10 steam locomotive, rests in 235 feet of water. It has been there since it derailed off a cliff in 1910.

And the long-lost freight train was discovered and documented by shipwreck hunters in 2016. Check out this awesome footage of locomotive 694 today.

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No. 694 derailed due to a rock slide over the railroad tracks on June 9, 1910. Three men lost their lives in the resulting train derailment. It's probably fortunate this wasn't a passenger train as the loss of life may have been significantly greater. Several boxcars and a tender car also went flying over a 60 foot cliff into the cold waters of Lake Superior that night. When it comes to Great Lakes wrecks, this one is definitely one-of-a-kind.

"This is the only locomotive that I'm aware of in the Great Lakes," Tom Crossman told Michigan Live. Crossman helped discover the long-lost train and rail cars.

His group found the train crash site with the help of some coordinates obtained when others in his team discovered boxcars on the bottom back in 2014. They found and shot this footage of the railroad cars with the help of a remotely operated vehicle back in July.

While the story of this long-lost locomotive wasn't well known prior to their expedition, it's probably safe to say many others will now know the story behind the Great Lakes' only train wreck!

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