Trump Auto Plan Projects Daily Consumption of 500,000 Additional Barrels of Oil

The Trump administration is expected to unveil a new set of emissions rules. Will Obama-era regulations be scrapped for good?

In a new 700-page draft proposal provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Environmental Protection Agency, published by the New York Times, the new rules will relax fuel economy standards to the projected tune of 500,000 additional barrels of oil consumed each day, defaulting to 2020 emissions rules that dictate all new vehicles must not exceed an average of 37 miles a gallon.

Obama era regulations mandated an average fuel economy of 47 miles per gallon by 2026.

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Other items in the 700-page proposal include research on the effects on air pollution and consumption as a result of the changes, with an emphasis on automakers savings by shifting manufacturing away from fuel-efficient vehicles.

Another item is the administration's dubious claim U.S. roads would be made safer, which has met doubt by leading scientific experts.

"This proposal will increase what Americans have to pay at the pump and it will only benefit the oil industry,'' said Luke Tonachel, staff scientist for the Natural Resources Defense Council. "It increases pollution and threatens our health.''