When you go camping, you may encounter a bear. That is expected. What is less expected is to experience a bear climbing into your vehicle with you. Yet that is exactly what happened to the owner of this silver SUV. A black bear casually strolls up to the SUV as it is parked in the parking lot. One woman was inside the vehicle and got out as the bear approached. Watch as this bear opens the car door in the hopes of snacks.
Black Bear Opens Car Door Searching For Snacks

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The black bear strolls up to the SUV and begins to investigate. The car's owner sees him approach the car door and gets out of her vehicle. She then tries honking the horn to scare him off. Alas, the bear is not deterred. In fact, he didn't even seem to notice! Instead, he stands on his hind paws and opens the front door!
She continues to beep the horn, but the bear is unbothered. He peers into the car to see if there are any snacks in there for him to enjoy. When his search yielded nothing of interest, he decided to try his luck elsewhere. Next, the bear opens the door in the back of the vehicle and resumes his search.
Onlookers and the recorders of the video can be heard saying, "Lock your doors!" The women begin honking the horn more frantically but the black bear has made himself quite at home in their vehicle.
Bystanders To The Rescue

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Eventually, some bystanders helped the vehicle owner by throwing food into the parking lot to distract the bear and lure him out of the car. In the video you can hear someone call to the bear, "Bear!" and another voices replies "Don't run he'll eat you." Luckily the only thing this bear was interested in eating, was some snacks.
While this black bear opens car doors no problem, he didn't bother closing them behind him on his way out. After he enjoyed the food thrown in the parking lot for him, he decided to make another pit stop. He climbed atop a trailer full of belongings and began to explore some of the items there.
After learning that there were no more snacks to be had, this black bear meandered on back to the woods.