6.5 Creedmoor
YouTube: The Social Regressive

Man Shoots His 6.5 Creedmoor From a Mile

The Social Regressive rings steel at a mile with the 6.5 Creedmoor from CMMG and Savage.

Nothing quite beats a day of trigger therapy at the range. Ringing steel and doing some plinking with buddies is a great way to burn some free time.

I have never been just a huge range nut, as I usually enjoy the hunting side of firearms more than the shooting, but when you start shooting at long distances, it can be rather fun and rewarding. That is exactly what the Social Regressive does here with these two 6.5 Creedmoor guns.

At one mile, they attempt to get some target impacts with CMMG's Mk3 DTR2 and Savage's Stealth Evolution. Let's just say after a few rounds, they were finally successful thanks to some optimal conditions.

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I always find it incredible to think of shooting at distances of this length. It is one thing when you hear someone say they have shot that far or to watch people do it on a video. But until you attempt it in person or watch it in person, it is hard to really understand and fathom just how incredible of a feat it is. A mile is a long ways—1,760 yards in this video to be exact.

If you have the firearms that are capable, a safe place to set up shop, and plenty of expendable ammunition, I encourage you to get some buddies together and give it a shot.

It is a great challenge and a lot of fun. If you are looking at possibly adding a 6.5 Creedmoor rifle to your collection, be sure to give both the CMMG and the Savage a look.

Best of luck and shoot straight!